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Risk Based Internal Audit Training

Benefits of Risk Based Internal Audits 

  • Risk-based auditing is a simple concept.
  • Improves audit effectiveness and efficiency by shifting the function from a policing activity to one that contributes effectively to managing risk and achieving wider organizational goals.
  • Involves high-level risk profiling of the audit portfolio over time;
  • Facilitates strategic use of scarce audit resources, aligns audit efforts with management objectives, and reduces risk exposure by focusing attention on areas of weakness.
  • The auditor performs a MORE EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT audit, focused on HIGHER-RISK AREAS.
  • Business units are involved at all stages of the audit.
  • Risk-based auditing is more efficient, because it directs audits at the high-risk areas
  • RBIA can also highlight risks that are over controlled and decrease efficiency


Integrated Service Offerings

  • Risk Management
  • Internal Audits
  • Internal Controls
1.Integrated risk, audit and control services ensures that internal controls are effective and current at all times
2.Continuous improvement in processes and implementation of the controls
3.Each component feeds into each other to improve company’s operations in an integrated manner.