Preparing your Company against Swine Flu

Swine flu is in news again! Last time in 2009 Swine flu caused around 2000 deaths but fortunately did not reach epidemic or pandemic stage. The last flu pandemic happened in 1918 “Spanish flu” that was caused by influenza virus and caused upward of 50 million deaths in US and Europe. Businesses should be prepared for infectious diseases as part of its business continuity planning (BCP).
Impact on Your Business
Large scale absenteeism of staff due to their own sickness or sickness in their family.
Outsource providers and service providers such as banks, utilities, distribution also may impacted due to absenteeism of their staff
Your sales may get impacted due to increased morbidity and possible mortality. For example insurance companies, healthcare providers,pharmaceutical companies, FMCGs may see volatility in in their sales numbers. Insurance companies will see higher claims as well as higher new customers (due to adverse selection).
Restrictions on local commute as well as business travel. India government may put restrictions or foreign government may put restrictions due to quarantines.
Possible Civic unrest due to pressure on our already creaking public healthcare infrastructure.
Employee benefits such as health insurance may get impacted in terms of increased premium, suspension of cashless service or even mid-term policy cancellations.
Riskpro can help you prepare an effective and practical contingency to protect your services for epidemics or pandemics.
If you already have a plan Riskpro can audit the plan whether it is fit for purpose or not.