Past Internship Projects
Once you select a project, send an email to Riskpro with your project of choice mentioned and receive confirmation from Riskpro via email. Please also send the following completed template to us for our records and communication. Intern Details Template - Please download, complete and send by email
Once you have been selected, we will send you the offer letter with the project details and contract that contains various clauses including confidentiality etc. You will be paid stipend at rates mentioned in the offer letter on completion of each month. You can begin the project after the project kickoff call. These projects are mainly work from home/campus, but involve some client interaction to interview, understand their processes. Reimbursement of telephone charges to cover the direct expenses incurred for the projects. At the end of the project, all team members will receive an internship certificate and will have the rights to use this experience as part of their resume
Following are the internship projects that we require assistance with. These may be completed from home/campus/any location.
Project 1: Survey on Reputation Risk Management
Project Purpose
To obtain insight on what are the different risk management practices that companies use to protect their brand image and manage risks arising out of damage to reputation. Reputation risk in today's world is a very important risk factors and the larger and more complex the organisation, the greater the reputational risks.
Project Approach
1. Obtain a list of top 100-200 companies across India in different industries.
2. Research on the internet on what is reputation risk, the risk drivers of this risk, good and best practices to manage reputation risk in western world.
3. Document the theoritical research on the subject and prepare a checklist questionairre to use in next step.
4. Introduction email sent to the identified companies followed by a 5-10 minutes call with the CFO/CEO / Director /Audit Dept/Compliance Dept or any such person who can provide inputs on how the company manages reputation risk. Complete the reputation risk questionairre with the client.
5. Send thank you email to the client and finalise response.
6. Aggregate the responses and conclude with analysis of the findings.
Project Deliverable / outcome
1. Risk Notes on reputation risk management covering how reputation risk is identified, measured, managed and resolved if any events take place. Complete write up from internet research.
2. Questionaire on reputation risk management to be used for client interviews.
3. Survery responses in excel format and final survey summary in word format.
4. Summarise the whole project in ppt format and make presentation.
Expected Duration
The complete project is expected to involve about 3-4 weeks.
Project Learning for candidate
Reputation risk today is one of the major risk type and a very big factor for all companies. You as a future employee, from whatever field of study, will benefit from this project, because you wil understand what is reputation risk, how it can arise, how it is handled and why losses from this risk type can virtually wipe out the organisation. In your future career, anything and everything that you do will involve some aspects of reputation risk management.
Project 2: Risk Management Software in the Market
Project Purpose
To obtain insight on what are the different risk management sysmtes offered by vendors in the Indian and in international markets. Risk Management software is used by companies to help them value portfolios, model Value at Risk, Analytics, pricing, capital calculations, etc. These tools use data from various data sources and area usually a layer over the data systems. There are many vendors that come up each year and with various functionality, pricing etc.
Project Approach
1. Research on the internet on what are the software solutions avalable.
2. Complete the data capture template summarising all the offering of these risk management sofwares. Need to get some price indications, where possible.
3. Document theoritical aspects on what how and why of risk management systems
4. Call companies using these software to share their experiences and whether the technology helps in risk management.
5. Aggregate the responses and conclude with analysis of the findings.
Project Deliverable / outcome
1. Summary of software offering in India and selectively in global marketplace.
2. Comprehensive Report on "Risk Management Software - Benefits and Challenges"
3. Summarise the whole project in ppt format and make presentation.
Expected Duration
The complete project is expected to involve about 4 weeks.
Project Learning for candidate
Risk Management software is a vital investment for companies today. Although many companies are still hesitant to invest in such technology, as the days pass by, there is greater awareness and desire to make this investment. You will gain insight in the market and will be able to co-relate the needs of risk management and how these softwares help companies achieve efficiencies and risk managment based decisions. This is a great way to understand all of the risk management aspects in a nutshell.
Project 3: Gaps in Risk Management practices at Cooperative Banks
Project Purpose
NABARD had recently come out with a requirement that Cooperative Banks and other micro finance banks are required to have a risk management policy and framework in place to manage risks. This notification is in light of the poor risk management practices at such institutions. To understand what are the current risk management frameworks, systems and processes at co-operative banks across India. Also to understand what are the key challenges and gaps in such practices ie. How can the risk management practices be improved to meet regulatory requirements of RBI and NABARD.
Project Approach
1. Research on the internet on what are the types of banks other than commercial banks and how these banks manage risks.
2. Prepare a risk management questionnaire that you want completed for 20-30 co-operative banks that you select to interview. This questionnaire must be comprehensive to capture the whole risk management cycle.
3. Call / visit these banks and understand their risk management practices, gaps, challenges and their plans for future risk management efforts. Complete the client visit log and perform data analysis.
4. Aggregate the responses and conclude with analysis of the findings.
Project Deliverable / outcome
1. Risk Questionnaire for Co-operative Banks
2. Comprehensive report on “Risk Management practices and future plans at Co-operative Banks”
3. Summarise the whole project in ppt format and make presentation.
Expected Duration The complete project is expected to involve about 4-6 weeks.
Project Learning for candidate
Co-operative bank financing is a key element of the overall banking in India. There is a very unique history for such banks in the sense that these have dual control by RBI and NABARD. You will gain insight on how smaller banks have challenges in managing risks, how credit risk is managed at these institutions. This project also provides the social connection as we may be able to provide some free service to them.
Project 4: Best marketing strategies for a small startup risk management consulting firm
Project Purpose
To research and learn the good and best practices of marketing for a small consulting orgsanisation. The project deliverable will focus on how Riskpro can market its services in the first year of inception given that there is limited marketing budget.
Project Approach
1. Converge theoretical and practical concepts learnt during education and identify how Riskpro can develop business.
2. Help Riskpro identify marketing and business development strategies and channels in major Indian cities.
3. Document the strategies and prepare a marketing plan to implement some of the quick wins.
4. Setup and implement some of the common marketing techniques such as mailers, flyers, emails to key market segments.
5. Aggregate the research and conclude with analysis of the findings.
Project Deliverable / outcome
1. Marketing Strategies research report
2. Marketing plan that can be easily implemented with limited marketing budget
3. Summarise the whole project in ppt format and make presentation.
Expected Duration
The complete project is expected to involve about 3-4 weeks.
Project Learning for candidate
Marketing is a key element in any business. However, what is learnt in colleges can be difficult to implement unless the strategies selected are appropriate. This project gives a chance to interns to actually try to implement what they have learnt. The success for Riskpro will be a proof of your capabilities. Candidates will also learn the practical aspects of helping small organisation to grow in a competitive market.
Project 5: Risk Management processes in the BPO industry
Project Purpose
To understand the dynamics of the BPO industry and what are the risk management practices adopted by top BPO companies.
Project Approach
1. Obtain a list of top 40-50 BPO companies across India in different industries.
2. Research on the internet for their annual report to determine what are the risk management practices adopted by them.
3.Call these companies to interview / meet them to understand better how they manage the risks of operational errors, attrition, frauds, and other significant risks facing the industry.
4. Aggregate the responses and conclude with analysis of the findings
Project Deliverable / outcome
1. Research Report
2. Summary of Risk Management practices across the companies
3. Summarise the whole project in ppt format and make presentation.
Expected Duration
The complete project is expected to involve about 4-6 weeks.
Project Learning for candidate
Learning about risk management in a particular industry helps you to better understand the industry. You will be more educated on what are the challenges of the BPO industry and how it manages its risks.
Project 6: Developing risk management checklists, scorecards for risk assessment
Project Purpose
To research and apply knowledge to develop checklists, questionnaire and other such documents that can be used by Riskpro to determine whether client’s risk management framework is functioning well. These tools also enable Riskpro to determine what are the areas that clients need assistance and where they lack.
Project Approach
1. Discuss with team members what are the major processes of any organisation, the organisation structure and what are the activities in it.
2. Prepare the following documents that can be used by Riskpro for its consulting assignments.
a) Risk Diagnostic scorecard – This scorecard has various sections that evaluates what a company should do with a Yes/No/NA response. This is an exhaustive list that Riskpro consultants can use to determine the health of a company with respect to risk management
b) Risk Management questionnaire – Develop some questionnaire that are appropriate for better risk management.
3. Aggregate the research and conclude with analysis of the findings and presentation
Project Deliverable / outcome
1. Risk Diagnostic scorecard in word / excel format
2. Risk Management questionnaire – word format
3. Summarise the whole project in ppt format and make presentation.
Expected Duration
The complete project is expected to involve about 3-4 weeks.
Project Learning for candidate
This project helps interns to think like an entrepreneur. This gives the wholistic view of the organisation and what is required in proper functioning. By applying the understanding, the deliverables will have all the relevant questions that help Riskpro determine what is lacking in that company. Example is your annual health checkup. See below.
1. Regular exercise – Do you exercise regularly. Are you obese.
2. Stress management – Do you take time out with friends. Do you sleep on time.
3. Emergency preparedness – Do you live near a hospital. Do you know the CPR technique. So, such type of diagnostic helps to evaluate whether the individual is healthy and can manage all unknown situations.
Project 7: Compilation of top 10 risks of various companies in various industries.
Project Purpose
To determine the top 10 risks facing the companies in today’s world. Recent financial and economic criss has changed the landscape of business risks and other risks.
Project Approach
1. Obtain the list of 10-20 companies in each of the 5-7 industries.
2. Call/ briefly meet these companies to determine what are the top 10 risks facing the company today.
3. Document the responses and analysis the responses.
4. Prepare a summary presentation on the top risks across the industry and overall at the All India level.
5. Share the findings with the selected companies.
Project Deliverable / outcome
1. Summary of top risks of the company along with data on who interviewed etc.
2. Analysis and summary of project along with presentation
Expected Duration
The complete project is expected to involve about 2-4 weeks.
Project Learning for candidate
Understanding the top risks for Indian companies is very important when selecting the industry to make your career in. Because top risks that are very significant can change the whole industry and you may be stuck in an industry that may face uphill tasks. Also, risk management understanding is helpful to understand the everyday news about the industry.
A few facts about Internship at Riskpro
* Overwhelming response to the internship. Over 500 resumes received.
* We screen most internship resumes for suitability. Most candidates will get a response (declined/Accepted etc). Be patient. We have a lot of reading to do.
* Please send resume if you have not already done so.
* We need 3-4 interns.
* Riskpro is a start up consulting firm. We can offer interesting research and marketing assignments, but may not be able to get you consulting experience at client site yet.
* Most of these internships will be work from home/campus/freelance/part time. However, all will involve providing certificate of experience and stipend