Integrity and Ethics
Riskpro's Ethics Tool is an innovative product from us that enables employees to be fearless and empowered when it comes to pointing out issues relating to unethical or potential fraudulent behaviours, Sexual harassment or gross Employee Grievances. It is a comprehensive and integrated offering that meets multiple regulatory requirements.
Riskpro is offering this unique platform FREE. Users can post reports completely anonymously (or chose to disclose their name). Company Officials and have a workflow based alert mechanism for proper tracking and reporting. Automated emails are sent to the Company officials responsible for various governance elements (Whistle Blowing, Employee Grievances or Sexual Harassment)
Along with the FREE tool, we also provide advisory on policy design, governance framework for these important developments. This is our way to saying how important these regulations are.
Whistle Blowing
SEBI has now mandated all listed companies to put in place a whistle blowing policy and a mechanism. While the new Companies Act also provides for certain classes of companies being required to establish a vigil mechanism for their directors and employees, SEBI has now decided to incorporate a provision in this regard in its new Corporate Governance Code for listed firms.
The whistle-blower mechanism, popular in many developed nations, provides an opportunity for employees to report any misdoings within their company.
Sexual Harassment Act
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 was recently enacted. The Act aims to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at the workplace and mandates companies with over 10 employees to put in place an effective oversight and governance structure including the Internal Complaint Committee. This has far reaching implications and onus on employers to handle each reporting confidentially. Similar to whistle blower issues, these issues may not be easily reported by employees unless there is a channel whereby they can initially post anonymously.
Employee Grievances
Social Media is fueling reputation risk for companies like never before. Employees will vent and let out their anger, no matter what we pay them or how much companies try to keep them happy. The odd employee is there in all companies. So, why not create a channel for them to share grievances directly to you for resolution first, rather than going straight to facebook/twitter.
Riskpro's solutions provides an integrated tool to allow employees to let out their inner voice constructively and in a timely manner, before it blows up as regulatory or reputation issue. Contact us at