Riskpro's Whistle Blower Tool - Web Based

Riskpro's Whistle Blowing Software is an innovative product from us that enables employees to be fearless and empowered when it comes to pointing out unethical or potential fraudulent behaviours. It is finally official.
Whistle Blower Policy will become mandatory for Listed Companies. Both Companies Act and SEBI Listing Agreement require a mandatory whistle blower policy. So, what does it mean. It means that wrong Acts, internal frauds, and high level mis-doings are not going to be ignored because of fear of reporting. Worldwide, Whistle Blowing have exposed some of the largest internal acts.
One of the biggest fear of the person blowing the whistle is that they could be identified and then punished in the form of threat, termination or other staff action. A company needs to build adequate mechanism to overcome this fear.
- Whistle Blower logs issue on Riskpro Web Based Tool anonymously.
- Riskpro automated system relays the message to Company's Senior Management for action
- Necessary Action is taken. Reports, Action updates, history etc can be maintained confidentially outside of the company in a secure, confidential environment. Even the Company's IT team cannot detect the author.
- Web based tool for employees to blow whistle.
- Users created by name, email
- Posts from employees are relayed (emailed to Senior management) after scrubbing identity info (without email, name of author)
- Company takes necessary action
- Annual subscription to the platform
- Workflow, escalation mechanism, and advisory FREE.
- Free. Call Today
Riskpro platform means that even Company IT Dept will not be able to trace who posted as there is no name, email, or IP address trace.