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Physical Security Consulting

• Corporates have become High Value Targets

• Attacks on economy’s centers of gravity like stock exchanges, IT industry etc

• Growing consumer awareness of security risks and the burgeoning economy.

• Security also includes fire and evacuation procedures

• Security is an emerging field and there is increased awareness after 26/11

•Security is now directly related to FDI in a Country and has become one of the competitive advantages of Nations. FIIs and FDIs still prefer the US for investment because of increased security after 9/11. FIIs and FDIs do not invest in Pakistan because of instability.

• All transportation systems are vulnerable and credible targets

• Terrorists have demonstrated terrorist intent to attack these targets

• Demonstrated terrorist capability to conduct such attacks

• Easier to attack with weapons than bombs as weapons are easy to procure

• Transportation sector and Hospitality Industry have been attacked

• Areas of High density of people Among the high growth markets are China, South America, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and Asia and Indian companies are spreading their investments in these regions through Mergers and Acquisitions.

With operations being established in these high risk regions it is imperative that companies have a robust security, crisis management and risk management policies and procedures in place. The threats in these regions are terrorism, instability, kidnapping, extortion etc. US and European companies already have employed risk management consultancy firms to advice on security measures in these regions


Riskpro's Security Consulting Services

Risk Pro offers a comprehensive corporate security risk management package to identify, manage and mitigate current and future risks to corporates. Our physical security and political risk vertical provides services covering all areas of Risk Management. We assist clients to minimize risk and maximize opportunity. Risk Pro delivers services to corporates which ensure that they have the best protection for their staff and investments. The Physical Security and Political Risk vertical assists businesses in assessing and adjusting their exposure to strategic risk by providing value added and competitive advantages.

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