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   08 July 2023
   11 AM to 12 PM IST
      Register Here
   0 Rs.

Social audits aim to measure the company's commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which encompasses voluntary actions taken to address social, environmental, and economic concerns. 

CSR goes beyond profit-making and emphasizes the organization's responsibility towards society. Both social audits and CSR promote ethical business practices, sustainability, and the well-being of stakeholders, fostering trust and positive societal impact.

This webinar is designed to provide valuable insights into the world of social audit and CSR, showcasing their significance in creating positive change and fostering responsible business practices. 

The speaker will cover topics like Introduction to Social Audit, Understanding CSR, Linking Social Audit and CSR, SEBI & MCA notifications, Conducting Social Audits, Impact and Outcomes, Qualification of Auditor and Q&A.

SPEAKER - Saswata Banerjee
Executive Vice President - Legal Compliance (Riskpro India)