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The software industry is flooded with automated solutions for risk management. They come under various labels such as ERM software, ORM software, Basel II, GRC solutions etc. But what everever be the nature of the underlying concept, the common thing is that they are able to provide something more than what you currently have. Lets take an example. ERM solution provides a dashboard of all key risks, the risk profiling and the risk appetite of the organisation. Now, although such information can be summarised by company staff, the software helps to do this through automated links.

Risk Pro can help you to evaluate various softwares and how they meet your requirements.

Please contact us at to begin this process. We help you as follows.

1. RiskPro has already reviewed the demos of most software offerings.

2. We meet you and understand your pain areas and your needs.

3. We go back to our den and find the best fit.

4. We come back to you and present the pros and cons of 4-5 best fits for you to evaluate.

5. Our evaluation services end there, so as to say. If you want us to liason with the vendor and also provide implementation support services, then we are always here.